THANK YOU for making the time to participate and contribute to the baseline Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) training, as coordinated by West Vancouver School District. Please find below the descriptions and the most currently-used visuals for following modules:

  • Unconscious Bias

  • Intercultural Fluency

Also below are the results of the polls from each of the sessions. If you would like one of the slides as a PDF, or have a question or some feedback, please feel free to send us an email directly at

Source: Deloitte and Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (2013).

Module 1.
Unconscious Bias

At the core of inclusive leadership and intercultural capacity is self-awareness: a deep understanding of one’s implicit (or personal) bias and the systemic biases that affect all kinds of decision-making. As an extension of the emphasis on self-awareness in the MBTI training, this module was devoted to understanding key forms of implicit bias that commonly affect workplaces (affinity bias; confirmation bias; and social comparison bias) in general, and three behavioural biases that specifically disadvantage women in the workplace. This module led participants in identifying and sharing examples of unconscious bias in the workplace and other work-related environments.

With a specific focus on bringing awareness to and disrupting unconscious and cultural bias in the selection process of new hires, this session provided an understanding of how biases are formed in our unconscious, and specifically addressed the following:

Gender Biases:

  • Maternal bias;

  • Competency/Likeability trade-off bias;

  • Performance attribution bias.

  • Affinity bias;

  • Confirmation bias

  • Social comparison bias;

  • Attribution error;

  • Distance bias.

Unconscious Bias Handout Package (PDF download)

How To Fight Racial Bias When It's Silent And Subtle.” (NPR)

Module 2.
Intercultural Fluency