Touchstone Family Association 2017

The above visual used to describe a presentation in english in a canadian academic context (emma bourassa, 2012)

The above visual used to describe a presentation in english in a canadian academic context (emma bourassa, 2012)

Thank you, Touchstone!

I had a great time and I hope you found the content meaningful and useful. 

As promised, please find below all the resources from our session on October 17, 2017: 

  • The Community Agreement
  • My visuals

The Community Agreement

The following is a list of commonly used "ground rules" used to ensure that all participants feel respected, included and able to freely contribute in a facilitated workshop, dialogue and/or courageous or difficult conversation:

  • Listen, and give each other adequate space to speak.
  • Participate fully (assume people want to hear you).
  • No one owns a monopoly on the truth.
  • Challenge yourself (find that place between comfort and discomfort)
  • Challenge each other respectfully: ask questions, refrain from personal attacks. Focus on ideas, perspectives and not people.
  • Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you").
  • Not about winning or losing. We are all here to learn.
  • The goal is not to agree: it is to gain a deeper understanding.
  • Be conscientious about non-verbal cues (your body language).

Participants are encouraged to provide their own suggestions before the above are offered. Participants are also welcomed add to this list when needed.

The Visuals


Have a burning intercultural or diversity and inclusion question? 

Anonymous questions are welcome. Just leave the name and email address blank.